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Other items with the tag 'Leather':

Tag was found in Idole (Rich Spicy Leather) by Lubin

Idole Eau de Parfum ""Around this idol, the mute and hieratic figure of a Nubian divinity, bark was burned and resins grilled. African mahogany dampened by tropical downpours and ebony hardened by smoke; mystical wood rich in the African spirit, spellbinding voodoo wood, intoxicating doum palm. Painted bodies get carried away dancing..."

Olivia Giacobetti "..set the jungle on fire with a woody liqueur rich in scorching spices, as sweet as sugar cane, and as warm as leather. "

[Idole Perfumer, Olivia Giacobetti]"

Tag was found in Le Roi Empereur (Spicy Woody Leather) by Rance 1795

Le Roi Empereur 100ml Eau de Parfum "With his coronation in Milan on 26th May 1805 as King of Italy, Napoleon Bonaparte became the first King of Italy, reaching the peak of his glory by sharing the dual titles, Emperor of the France, and King of Italy."

Tag was found in Francois Charles (Fresh Aromatic Amber Leather) by Rance 1795

Francois Charles Eau de Parfum "Francois' son, Jean Rance, devoted this perfume to Francois Charles, Napoleon's only son. It was hoped that the young Prince could repeat his father's feats, and like him, bring France to triumph."

Tag was found in Galaad (Fresh Leather) by Lubin

Galaad Eau de Parfum ""Out of Egypt come caravans to fetch myrrh in my land of Galaad. My name is the same as that of the land that witnessed my birth, for I am Galaad, the knight of the Holy Mountain. It is rich with honey from our hives, tall cedars that shade it and resins brought to Pharaoh. With frankincense, cypress and dried grass from Atlantis, we refine the precious balm used by the lords of the East to perfume themselves.""

Tag was found in Korrigan (Leather Smokey Musk Whisky) by Lubin

Korrigan Eau de Parfum "In the Armorican countryside the Korrigans frolic at night. They come to harvest juniper berries and wild beechnuts. Then, in dark caves, they distil barley into spellbinding spirits, spicing them with saffron, musking them with ambrette, scenting them with lavender. During the solstice festivals, they all drink their elixirs out of leather pouches, causing bodies and souls to capsize..."

Tag was found in OroNero (Woody Leather) by Bois

OroNero Eau de Parfum "Boise 1920 presents their latest new enchanted fragrance, OroNero, created by Enzo Galardi to elevate in a mysterious and bold way the olfactory magic of Bois 1920.
